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How Do I?

The library has a variety of health and wellness services and social occasions to benefit residents ages 55+, as well as other library users!

The drive through window and boxes at the Main Library

Accessibility Services

Building Access

For added convenience, West Bloomfield Library’s Main Branch features a drive-up with a window (staffed during business hours) and 24-hour return bins. At the window, library staff can help cardholders retrieve holds and pay fines/fees.

The Main Library also has automatic entry doors, restroom door handicap buttons, and an ADA computer workstation. (Learn more about available technology and related services.) A mobility chair is available at the Main Library upon request. Both branches also feature handicap parking and motion sensor drinking fountains.

Home Delivery

Residents of West Bloomfield, Keego Harbor, Sylvan Lake, and Orchard Lake who are unable to easily visit the library in person due to a temporary or permanent visual or physical limitation are encouraged to sign up for the library’s home delivery service. Sign up for our home delivery service here.

These residents may also be eligible to receive talking books and magazines, large print books, Braille and talking book players through the Oakland Talking Book Service (OTBS), part of the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled. Sign up for the OTBS here.

Special Collections

As part of The Next Chapter suite of services, the library offers a number of special collections of interest to older adults, seniors, and people with disabilities, among others. Discover more of the library’s Innovative Collections.

Health & Wellness Kits

Explore literature and activities related to a health and wellness topic.

Large Print

These books are in large type to improve readability.


Don’t let low vision keep you from reading! Try out a variety of magnifying tools.

Caregiver Collection

Explore literature and DVDs to help those serving as caregivers.

Jigsaw Puzzles

Borrow puzzles for all ages and skill levels, from 13 to 1000 pieces!

Discovery Tablets

Exercise your brain with one of our discovery tablets for adults!