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Both library branches are closed until 1 PM due to anticipated icy road conditions.

How Do I?

West Bloomfield Library cardholders in elementary through high school can access BrainFuse. BrainFuse is a comprehensive suite of learning tools and resources including:

  • One-on-one help from live, online tutors from 2-11 PM daily
  • Skill-building lessons, videos, and tests
  • Expert analysis and feedback for essays, papers, and other writing assignments
  • Test prep center with diagnostic practice quizzes and immediate scoring; customized study plans and targeted skill-building lessons based on test results.

Help is available for reading, writing, math, science, and social studies for grades from elementary through high school. Tutoring for standardized tests, including the SAT, ACT, GED, HISET, TASC, and US Citizenship Test are also available.

Library cardholders can also download the BrainFuse app from their preferred app store.