The West Bloomfield Township Public Library is governed by an elected six-member Board of Trustees. Each member of this nonpartisan board serves a four-year term.
The Library Board of Trustees is responsible for establishing policy and regulations regarding use of the library, providing oversight of library finances including the development of an annual budget, appointing the library director, ensuring the library facilities and grounds are properly maintained, and requesting the collection of the designated library millage.
The Library Board of Trustees meets the second Wednesday of every month at 6:30 PM (except as noted). Meetings are held in the Main Library Conference Room – 4600 Walnut Lake Road. The public is welcome to attend board meetings.
Click on a date below to read the corresponding meeting minutes, synopsis, or agenda as they become available. Agendas for board meetings are posted online and in both facilities about 3-4 days before the scheduled meeting.
Click the link below to read minutes from past meetings.
Minutes for board meetings are available online and in the reference collection at both facilities. Annual reports, budget and audit reports are located in the reference collection at the Main Library.
Documents prepared for Board meetings are available at the Adult Information Desk at the Main Library, the Information Desk at the Westacres Branch, and online approximately 3-4 days before the scheduled meeting.
For those people who desire to contact members of the Library Board to provide input or ask questions on any business that will come before the public body at the meeting, please contact Cathleen Russ, Library Director, at (248) 682-2120 or at [email protected] prior to the start of the meeting. You can also contact [email protected].